

IBM provides a yearly co-marketing budget for companies within Cronos that use IBM technology. Cronos, in turn, wanted to unify those companies. That’s why we got involved: to unite them all behind one strong brand and make sure they benefit from it.
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Teammember Unmute You
Teammember Unmute You
Teammember Unmute You
Mockup of IBM@Cronos ebook

The Challenge

When we talked to the different companies that wanted to participate, we soon established that the objective was to provide fresh and recurrent marketing for everybody.

Our own perspective was to ensure that they could focus on their business and IBM technology. They wouldn’t need to keep track of

  • the budget,
  • deal with the administration surrounding it
  • and constantly come up with cutting edge marketing ideas.

We’d take care of that. More importantly, we wanted to let them support each other as well. You know, the Cronos philosophy/ecosystem.

Our Idea

Instead of helping to unmute everyone involved, we only broadcasted one strong brand: IBM@Cronos!

We created its branding and unburdened all partaking companies by taking care of the surrounding administration. We also came up with fresh concepts like animated explainer videos, an e-book, events and more.

When the IBM@Cronos channels post something, each competence centre can share those posts to achieve maximum mutual benefits. Talk about an ecosystem!


IBM@Cronos helped us to introduce IBM App Connect's new features to our customers in a fun, yet comprehensible way.


- Dirk Maes, Managing Partner at Integration Designers
Visuals and mockup of IBM@Cronos ebook
Visuals and mockup of IBM@Cronos ebook

What we did

Look and Feel

This project gave us free rein. We determined the entire look and feel of IBM@Cronos.

To keep it simple but strong, we designed a logo that was basic and clear. Typographically, it has a fun 8-bit symbol in it (the ‘@’), but the colours are soft black and grey. The beauty in that, is that it allows for an infinite number of options to vary.

When we communicate about a certain subcompany, their company colours can be incorporated in the logo to assure visual cues and recognisability. Every visual that we create can thus immediately let you know which company it’s for. Recognise gradient greens? Chances are we’re talking about RoboRana. Orange? Hey, that’s FlowFactor! In other words, the core identity of IBM@Cronos is subject to the brand colours of the subcompanies but there is always visual consistency at the core.

Easy and Efficient

The only thing the companies really had to do, was give us input in the things we created for them, such as animated explainer videos, an e-book, social media, webinars, presentations, events, you name it. We’d brand them so they could present as one united front. We also conducted quite a few campaigns for everything that was made, on Google Display and LinkedIn, to generate leads.

We’re stoked to see what the future holds for the inspirational ecosystem that is IBM@Cronos!

IBM@Cronos visuals on LinkedIn

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