
ID Collective

Creating a Distinctive Brand for ID Collective
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Teammember Unmute You
Branding for ID Collective

The Challenge

ID Collective, a new community of digital identity enthusiasts and professionals, needed a branding that drew attention. We previously helped them come up with another brand, so they were happy to rely on our expertise again. We refined their concept into a digital and physical branding package that is easy to use and hard to miss.

ID Collective already had a vision for their new project. However, they needed to some help turning this vision into reality. Since ID Collective wanted to build a community, they wanted something that made them stand out from the pack, while remaining accessible to their target audience.

Our Idea

ID Collective is a growing online community, but they also organise in-person tech talks, so we made sure to keep both digital and physical media in mind when developing their brand. Since ease of use was another key point, we focused on flexible and reusable elements, coupled with a hands-on brand guide that helped ID Collective create matching visuals themselves.


“It's great that Unmute You doesn't hesitate to speak up and challenge their clients. We had already decided on a concept, but they were quick to point out its shortcomings and show how we could tweak and improve it. It's refreshing to see a politely expressed confidence in someone's own expertise.”


Stefan Jacobs, ID Collective
Mockups of Visitool
Mockups of ID Collective

Our approach

As always, we kicked things off with a, you guessed it... kick-off meeting. ID Collective had already prepared a mood board, so we quickly understood what they were looking for. Three key elements stood out: their branding needed to be visually distinct from the main brand, have a modern look that stood out, and reference mitosis, a process where cells duplicate and reproduce. Definitely a refreshing take on community building!

From the start, we knew that reusability and ease of use would be key, so we put this front and centre as we developed ID Collective’s brand. In our designer’s words: we wanted them to be able to create high-end visuals that matched their brand, but with a low level of effort.

"I was amazed with our branding's versatility and convenience. The brand book was top-notch as always, but the additional ready-to-use elements that Unmute You gave us really made a difference and allowed us to hit the ground running." - Stefan Jacobs

With ID Collective's goal of building a community in mind, we developed a strong, adaptable and recognisable logo. It represents bringing different sorts of expertise closer together, making them accessible, and letting new knowledge merge and expand.

Because they also host in-person events, we made sure to create versions of ID Collective's logo in different aspect ratios to fit all manner of roll-up banners, lanyards, and other physical media.  

Then, we took the reusability aspect one step further. We created all of ID Collective's brand elements by combining, morphing and rearranging their logo into a bunch of new shapes that differ but clearly belong together.

Once we were satisfied with our initial design, we showed ID Collective their new logo, fonts, and graphic elements. We're happy to report that it was exactly what they were looking for! During this feedback meeting, we also shared two possible colour schemes. One represented a bold take on security and technology, while the soft alternative symbolised community and the human element.  

“I love that Unmute You limited their suggestions to two detailed proposals. I've seen brandings with seven different logos and sixteen possible colours, leading to indecisiveness and stress. These people clearly know what they were doing.” - Stefan Jacobs

ID Collective ended up going with second proposal, using the bright colours from the first proposal as accent colours to make certain elements stand out. Just a few minor tweaks later, and we quickly ended up with their final branding. A great result if we say so ourselves, but don't just take our word for it!

“When we presented our new branding during a team weekend, my colleagues’ faces spoke volumes. You could see how happy they were, and how much it reflected our story and the concept we had in mind.”

Once we received ID Collective's approval, we bundled their brand, logo, fonts, and colour scheme into a brand guide. We made sure to focus on user friendliness and reusability, and included plenty of premade visual elements and mock-ups to help them create the high-end visuals they were looking for. Now, ID Collective is ready to make their voices heard across digital and in-person events with a high-quality, easy-to-use branding!

Mockups of ID Collective

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